This is a fantastic novella. Imagine the racism of Lovecraft turned on its head. Also, horror + blues music is…

This is a fantastic novella. Imagine the racism of Lovecraft turned on its head. Also, horror + blues music is always a winning combination.

And right now it’s free.

Originally shared by Lowell Francis (edige23)

This is a great novella!

Hello roleplayers!

Hello roleplayers!

I am confused why you haven’t funded The Forest Hymn & Picnic by cecil howe yet.

Is it that you don’t like creative and interesting RPGs? That must be it, because this game is creative and interesting AF and it hasn’t funded.

What’s that? You do like creative and interesting games? Well then, I know something on Kickstarter you might want to check out…

I am really baffled by this Kavanaugh thing.

I am really baffled by this Kavanaugh thing.

The guy could’ve garnered credit by saying, “I was an idiot when I was younger, but I’ve learned from it and learning from mistakes makes me a good judge.”

The GOP could’ve garnered credit by saying, “This man’s behavior towards women makes him unfit for the position,” and just picked some other asshole for the job.

But instead they are fighting, lying, and cheating to get this one particular asshole on the court. I know there’s no shortage of asshole GOP judges they could pick, so why is it so important to get this flaming turd on the highest court in the land?

I’ll be at Gauntlet Con! Will you?

I’ll be at Gauntlet Con! Will you?

Originally shared by Jason Cordova

General Registration for Gauntlet Con 2018 is now open!

Gauntlet Con registration is now open for both Patrons and non-Patrons! Going the Patron route is still the least expensive way of doing so, but if you prefer not to do that, you can simply pay a $5 registration fee. Just follow the link for details!