This is a great idea! Let’s help.

This is a great idea! Let’s help.

Originally shared by Jenn Martin

I’m working on a new series of videos for Indie+, but I need help! The aim is to preview indie cons ahead of time to help people who have limited time/budgets decide if that’s the con for them.

I’m looking for someone to draw a small fantasy map for the video intro- I have ideas and a few place names but mostly it’s up to your imagination. I can’t pay anything, but your name will go up in the credits of every video in the series. I would love to have a budget but Indie+ is a volunteer thing.

I’m also looking for pictures to be featured over voice over- pics of the con space, local area, ephemera from your time there, etc. All people in them need to consent to my using them.

Feel free to tag people in or share- thanks for your help!

Watching Guardians of the Galaxy (because of course I got it for Christmas) and thinking about Fate. It occurs to me…

Watching Guardians of the Galaxy (because of course I got it for Christmas) and thinking about Fate. It occurs to me that the scene where Drax summons Ronin is a perfect compel of his aspect “Sworn to Avenge Myself on Ronin.”

Actually, now that I think of it, the scene where Rocket is ready to shoot Drax and Gamora is also a great compel of “Torn Apart and Put Back Together Over and Over.”