I am really baffled by this Kavanaugh thing.

I am really baffled by this Kavanaugh thing.

The guy could’ve garnered credit by saying, “I was an idiot when I was younger, but I’ve learned from it and learning from mistakes makes me a good judge.”

The GOP could’ve garnered credit by saying, “This man’s behavior towards women makes him unfit for the position,” and just picked some other asshole for the job.

But instead they are fighting, lying, and cheating to get this one particular asshole on the court. I know there’s no shortage of asshole GOP judges they could pick, so why is it so important to get this flaming turd on the highest court in the land?

10 thoughts on “I am really baffled by this Kavanaugh thing.

  1. Yes, kavanaugh handled the initial accusation incredibly badly by failing to show any empathy or introspection. And his blanket denials just aren’t credible any more. I actually had a lot of respect for kav (who I have met in person) at the beginning of this process but it’s been torched.

    As for the GOP, they just don’t care one way or another.

  2. It’s the point of the thing. It’s a paradigm war. They earnestly believe it should not harm them. They earnestly believe they are in the right. They earnestly believe that backing down from this point will harm not only themselves but the country.

    Plus what would it mean if they’re wrong? If he’s not fit for the supreme court, then Trump wasn’t fit for POTUS. Then a good portion of senators and governors et. al. could be de-officed or will be prevented from taking it in the future, all literally illegitimately, in their view.

  3. Mo is super-right. There’s also a strategic issue here. They wanted to get him confirmed in time for the October 1 USSC term which is why they were already rushing him. I think they feel their base cares a lot about the USSC and that Trump and the Republicans desperately need a win. Their tax cut (the only thing they’ve managed) isn’t the hit they thought it’d be. And there’s a small chance they’ll lose the Senate, which potentially means an 8-person USSC for years and a missed opportunity to tilt the Court conservative for two decades.

    I think what’ll happen (unless there’s an avalanche of accusers (and it seems like we’re up to 4 now; Avenetti’s and the one being investigated by the Maryland police)) is they won’t get him confirmed in time for the midterms and will confirm him or someone else during the lame duck session.

  4. I suspect they also believe that false accusations are a real, and common phenomenon. Combine that with believing that their opponents will do anything to win and now the assumption is that this will happen to every nominee they put forward if they don’t put a stop to it.

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