Originally shared by Emily Care Boss

Originally shared by Emily Care Boss

On the Second Day of #Epimas

One of the games in the Winter Wonder Lands bundle is a game freshly minted this year by Hannah Shaffer called Questlandia (http://questlandia.com/). This is Hannah’s first published game, and she worked through the tricky & often discouraging process like a champ. Creating a game that take fantasy worlds and makes them places where players can grapple with our ideas about what our society is and could be. Here in western MA, Hannah founded a community center that has become a collaborative game development site. She brings her commitment to making the world a stronger, better, more peaceful place into her approach to design.

From the text of Questlandia:

“_Questlandia is a cooperative game about personal shortcomings, the cost of courage, and the challenge of enacting meaningful change.”_

Hannah worked on the game with Evan Rowland, whose illustrations draw you immediately into this world in the midst of change. I hope Epiclaus helps many more people enjoy Questlandia in the coming year.

Together with Questlandia are:

The Veil by Josh Mannon, a game about saving humanity from enslavement in a virtual world, an Apocalypse World hack inspired by The Matrix Trilogy and +John Harper’s Ghost Lines

Spark by Jason Pitre (http://www.genesisoflegend.com/products/spark/), a world building game that centers on the passions, beliefs and motivations that are at the heart of the stories we all love.

My Fantasy by Giovanni Micolucci, a heroicm dungeon fantasy game focusing on the drama and adventure of these tales.

Epidiah Ravachol 
